Thursday, 23 May 2013

1st Prenatal

When my GP finally walked into her office yesterday she was an hour late.  She sat hurriedly at the computer. "I am so sorry.  I am running so late.  Give me a minute, let me get up your file... and here it is... and... OMG!  I didn't know that's what you where here for.  That's fucking amazing".

Yup.  My doctor actually said that to me.  

I had my first prenatal appointment.  They did the usual, height, weight, and ordered some labs for blood work and urine and of course to get the magic hcg numbers.  The numbers that will let me know that the baby is going to be ok.  I am also going to be going for a dating and viability ultrasound sometime next week.

I am excited and terrified.

I am so excited to hear my baby's teeny, tiny heart beating away, and to see him or her for the first time, all contorted and tadpole like this early in the pregnancy.  Terrified about the viability part.  Terrified they won't find that teeny tiny heart.  They are doing this of course because of my history.  Because of the last pregnancy that ended so early.

My doctor is actually also my mother's doctor, and my sister's, and my sister-in-law's, and my nephew's... what can I say... if you find a doctor that is so excited for you that she swears at you you share her with family.  But this means she has to be sworn to secrecy because we aren't ready to tell family.  My mother has enough on her plate worrying about my father that she doesn't need to hear news that won't be forever good.  We can wait to tell her for a few more weeks.

My doctor however did almost let the cat out of the bag already.  Because I am negative for titers to measles, mumps and rubella I have concerns about my in-laws who don't vaccinate as well as a trip to Europe we have planned for this summer where these diseases are having an outbreak.  My doctor decided to seek advice from the head of infectious diseases at the hospital.  She started the e-mail by saying "my patient" and she used my name.  "That's my mom's boss!" I quickly pointed out to her.  "You can't let my mom's boss know I'm pregnant before I tell her!!"

Yes, not only do I go to the same doctor as my mother, but the doctor is at the hospital where my mother has worked for 25 years and the head of infectious diseases for the hospital is my mother's boss.  It is so hard to keep a secret in a town the size of 3 million people isn't it?

The good news is that the advice is to be more afraid of car accidents.  The infectious disease doctor says I likely have some functional immunity even if I don't have titers being raised against the diseases and so I should feel comfortable to enjoy our weeks in Europe. 


  1. Praying for a great ultrasound!

    1. Thank you, me too actually... I am so excited to see our little one.

  2. So exciting!! Your doctor sounds awesome :) I'm glad you don't have to worry too much about infectious diseases, I can't imagine adding one more stress to your plate. Hopefully the next week will fly by, you'll have a fantastic ultrasound, and you'll be able to relax a little more every day!

    1. My doctor is awesome. i am so glad to have found her. I am jealous everytime i see your ultrasounds and keep wondering what our little bean looks like.

  3. Lol... I love your doctor. The doc that handled m/c #2 for me swore regularly at our appointments, and I loved him even more for it. There's nothing like knowing your doc is a real person.

    Looking forward to hearing the results of your bloodwork and upcoming ultrasound! I know it's scary, but you're doing everything you can to have a healthy pregnancy. The rest is up to fate/God/the universe... whatever you believe. Try not to stress too much!

    1. I know you've said lately you don't really trust the doctor you are with right now.. can you go back to the other one? I love a doctor who is honest and straightforward with me... if you don't know something just tell me you dont' know... i am happy for you to look something up and get back to me... just don't make it up... this is my life we are talking about!

  4. I kinda know what you feel like with the doctor thing. My ob/gyn is one of my best friend's mothers. She's also my grandma's doctor, my mother's doctor, and my little sister's doctor. It's weird to think about having sleepovers at the house of the person who has seen up your junk lol. My friend started TTC the same time I did and was having some of the same problems but her mom didn't know anything about it as she lives 2 hours away now. I almost let the cat out of the bag a few times. Lucky she's told her now so I don't have to worry about it. My mom and sister know all about my struggles, my early loss, and will know right away if our embryo adoption is successful so that's not a problem for me.

    I'm glad you got the okay to go to Europe without worrying about those diseases. I hope your ultrasound goes wonderfully and your little bean's heart is just beating away.

    1. Thank you so much. I can't wait to see and meet our baby and believe that it is really real.

  5. I love the sound of your doctor! Awesome!!

    1. a good doctor is the hardest thing to find. I love mine right now.

  6. Hello from ICLW :) Congratulations!!! I understand the terror at doctors appointments. Just keep putting one step in front of the other. If you don't mind me asking, how old are you? I'm almost 40, and my partner and I just had twin boys after 2 years, 2 miscarriages and 7 fertility procedures. I can tell you that it is all worth it!!!!

    1. I will be 40 in just a few months and definitely over 40 before this little nugget makes his or her way into the world. Can't wait to hold my baby in my arms. I have no doubts it is worth while. Glad you got twin boys that you can snuggle for always.
