Sunday, 23 June 2013

The Reveal: My family

I have to say that my beloved oldest nephew did not disappoint.  This weekend we finally told our families that we were expecting to have to add another table to the family gatherings, and of course everyone was thrilled.  But my oldest nephew... he gave us the best reaction... and then the worst.

We decided we had to come up with  new way to reveal to my family that we were expecting a baby.  We had told my parents the weekend before, but now my brother, sister, sister-in-law and nephews needed to be let in on the secret.  We decided to give the oldest nephew, who will be turning ten in January the following:

   On a 10th birthday card we wrote the message:  "Ok, you aren't actually 10 yet, but it is such an important birthday that we decided to give you a hint of the gift that is coming"

Then he opened a gift that had a bottle inside with a note tucked in that say "A new cousin".  It took him a minute... but when he processed it the the eyes popped open, the jaw fell to the floor and he started yelling in joy.  My sister was shooting me daggers "You already know what you are getting him for his birthday?"  Then she found out what the note said.  There were tears.  Everyone was happy.  (Obviously).

Then it started to get awkward.  "I can be there when you have the baby?"  my nephew asks.  "For two reasons, I want to meet the baby and I want to see a lady's private parts".


"uh... you can come and visit us in the hospital but no, having a baby is a private moment."

"How long have you guys been doing it".  Comes his next question.

My sister-in-law jumps in "since they got married last year."  My husband starts sniggering in the chair next to me.

"But then how come you are only 11 weeks pregnant,"  comes the next awkward question.

"Because you can't get pregnant the first time," his flustered mother tries to stem the flow of questions.

"Uh... I don't think you should tell him that!  That's the way to become a really young grandmother."

My sister-in-law looks at me stricken, "I don't really know why I said that."

I think this is how bad sex ed and teenage pregnancies get started!

So, my nephew is very, very happy.  He wanted to tell all of his friends and immediately started trying to speak to my belly button.  My sister is thrilled.  She can't wait to become an aunt... again.  I wonder how we will make next weekend as much fun.


  1. OMG... that was freaking hilarious!!! Thanks for the laugh- I needed that!!!

    1. I wish i could post the video.. his expression is amazing... but i don't feel right posting pictures of other people's kids.

  2. haha oh wow!!! Glad you had some good laughs!

    1. Yeah... there's always laughs to be had with this kid... believe me!

  3. From the mouths of it! Such a cute way to tell them too! Congrats!

    1. My brother was worried the bottled just said "new baby" and that my nephew thought he was getting an new sibling. He kept saying "do you understand what that means?"

  4. Um, this is hilarious! I would have been so embarrassed at some of thoes comments, but I'm guessing it's not the first inappropriate thing you've heard from the kid. You gotta love kids and their honesty/no filter.

    You must be thrilled to have the news out to your whole family!

    1. Ummm...yeah... he's a bit of a ... ummmm... free spirit... I worry about him actually because he is allowed to self-monitor on things like YouTube and I think he has seen at least snippets of things that he shouldn't have. But I think that sex ed still have a thing or two to teach him. little bit nervous to have people starting to know... just want to see shmily again so we can make sure s/he is ok.

  5. This is so funny! I had to pause the movie and read it to my hubby and sister because I was laughing so hard!

    1. ha ha... glad my crazy family can give you a laugh!
